The Crucial 12
Thank you for looking for more information about the book The Crucial 12, Powerful Insights for Marketing Leadership and author, consultant, entrepreneur, and public speaker, Steve Wolgemuth. Until we build a real, more permanent website, this page will provide some answers and give you important contact information.
What is Marketing Leadership?
Marketing leadership is the art and science of directing, managing, and even inspiring great work from marketing employees, subcontractors, and agencies. Leaders must learn how to play that role.
What is The Crucial 12?
This award-winning book is a guide for business leaders who want to develop their marketing leadership skills. In it, readers will discover and unpack the essential questions they must ask, questions that will create focus around key areas, inform decisions, and direct effective marketing strategies.
I’m Intrigued! How Can I Get a Copy?
You can buy it on Amazon here, or contact Steve’s office directly using the form below.

Does Steve Speak on this Topic at Conferences and Events?
Steve brings a thought-provoking and lively presentation which consistently gets great reviews from audiences of business and organizational leaders. Consistent with his book which brings in life experiences and interesting stories, Steve’s 30, 45, or 60 minutes presentations are guaranteed to keep the audience engaged the entire time
Does Steve Speak to Small Groups?
Steve has carried a very active schedule of speaking to small gatherings of business people; Chamber of Commerce events, business cohorts, and business networking groups. Consider using Steve as a presenter for your next business group gathering, or engage with him for a three-hour workshop.
Would Steve Come to My Company’s Location and Work With Us on Our Marketing?
Steve has carried a very active schedule of speaking to small gatherings of business people; Chamber of Commerce events, business cohorts, and business networking groups. Consider using Steve as a presenter for your next business group gathering, or engage with him for a three-hour workshop.

About Steve Wolgemuth
How did Steve Wolgemuth go from being a top equestrian athlete to a successful marketing consultant? He gets asked that a lot. In the early 90’s Steve was listed as one of the USA’s top Olympic caliber competitors. Leveraging that notoriety, he built an importing agency for other competitors to buy horses in Europe, an overnight success because of Steve’s unique digital marketing prowess. Soon those talents earned Steve invitations from other business owners to build and execute their digital marketing strategies.
That “side-job” grew into a multi-million dollar, award-winning marketing agency over the next decade, creating demand for Steve to consult with hundreds of business leaders across the USA and Canada, speak to business groups about marketing leadership, and share the stage at conferences with Google and other celebrated marketing experts.